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E-Crier August 9, 2010
Old Mill Road Closure
The State DOT has notified the town that they will be closing Old Mill Rd. at the Bridge on August 16th. The bridge will be closed for approximately 10 weeks.

There will be a neighborhood meeting at the High Rd bridge for High Rd area residents and any others who would care to attend on Saturday August 14th at 9:00 am rain or shine. The purpose of the meeting is to share progress so far on the engineering of the bridge.

Solid Waste Operator Wanted
Per Diem position (no minimum hours guaranteed) at the Lee Transfer Station. Duties vary, but would include; customer service and sorting recyclables. Applicants must be at least 18 yrs of age, able to lift up to 50lbs, pass a physical and drug test and be willing to be certified with D.E.S. as a Level 1 Solid Waste Operator. Possible work days may include Tuesday, Thursday and/or Saturdays.  Please apply in person at the Lee Transfer Station Recycling Rd, Lee, NH. Application deadline; August 21, 2010.

Ice Cream Social
It is Aug 17th from 6-8 PM ( or until we run out of Ice Cream ) The Lee Firemen's Assoc. sponsors this annual event to promote community involvement with their Fire Department and as a chance for community members to socialize. You don't have to live in town to come. prices are $3 for ages 13- up $2 for ages 7-12 and $1 for ages 6 and under.

The Supervisors of the Checklist
The Supervisors of the Checklist will meet at the Town Hall on September 7, 2010 from 7:00 PM to 7:30 PM to make changes and additions to the checklist.
This is the last day to accept voter registration applications.

Report Suspicious Activity
The Seacoast region has been experiencing similar suspicious activity where a man and woman team appear to be approaching homes with concocted stories of being lost, looking for a resident or a home somewhere in the area, etc.   Last week a vehicle with out-of-state plates approached a home with a “For Sale” sign and a female approached the house but left rapidly when a pest control service entered the driveway.  Similar activity has occurred where Lee Police observed a vehicle parked at the end of a driveway with a male behind the wheel and a female walking down the driveway towards the vehicle. The officer scrutinizing the situation was advised by the female that she knew the homeowner from work. As they drove off, the Lee police officer was simply not comfortable with the situation and decided to stop the vehicle.  Ultimately, it was discovered that the out-of-state driver was under suspension in New Hampshire and he was arrested.  After further investigation later in the evening, the female’s story about knowing the homeowner was discovered to be untrue.  The homeowner had no knowledge of either person.  The female was later arrested for criminal trespassing. In all likelihood, the actions of the officer prevented a burglary into the home.
Given these situations, Lee residents are urged to contact the Lee Police at 630-659-5866 if any activity appears to be unusual and/or suspicious.  It is an easy task for the police to verify the veracity of the situation while ensuring the security of the community.  With your alert partnership, the police will be significantly more effective in deterring crime.

Lee Farmers' Market
3-6 p.m. Thursdays
At the Old Fire Station

Come join the fun and buy some really fresh, locally produced products from Lee farmers. Meet your friends in a lovely shady spot. Talk to the vendors and learn about their products. Learn about gardening from our Master Gardener, Gael. We have a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, meat, honey, syrup, flowers, baked goods, soaps and cheese. The products offered change weekly with the season, so you're bound to find something new each week. Corn and tomatoes  fresh this week.

Questions? Call Dick Babcock 659-9329

Wadleigh Falls Canoe Launch
A new canoe launch is about to be built along Route 152 just upstream of Wadleigh Falls. The existing informal access to the Lamprey River will be replaced with granite steps. The new launch will provide improved recreational access to this national Wild and Scenic River and reduce ongoing erosion and sedimentation. Construction is anticipated to start in late September. Funding for the project is provided by the Lamprey River Advisory Committee

Notice to Lee Residents
As a result of the Selectmen’s Meeting on July 26, 2010 The Board of Selectman have granted the following change to a 2010 Rain Date for the Lee USA Speedway.
Friday September 10, 2010 Rain Date changed to Saturday September 11, 2010